Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Introductory Post

My name's Richard. Nice to meet you. This is Tuesday, June 17th 2008. I've decided that i need a blog. Why? I don't think spending hours a day on World of Warcraft during the summer is that productive, so I think I'm going to be blogging quite a bit.

The phrase "Enjoy your onion rings" comes from an inside joke among a couple of friends. Simple as that.

For the summer, I plan on doing several things. First of all, I'm working at Blockbuster (expect movie reviews here) in an attempt to save up money to fund a new Macbook Pro and professional level camcorder (expect progress reports here). You see, it's my goal to become a filmmaker. A pretty damn good one. Will I get there? Yes. Yes, I will. I think it's good to go in with optimism like this.

I'm also taking summer classes (Speech, no you won't see me post them up here).

What I'm going to do is *randomblog*. I will post whatever I feel is worth posting and sharing. This means:

Movie reviews
Story ideas for movies
Box office numbers from movies that come out
xkcd comics

Of course, it won't be limited to just that. We'll see how it goes. That's all for this introductory post. I don't know how many times I'll post per day, but whatever happens happens.

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